
St Mary's FieldsPrimary School

Ensuring that each child reaches their potential and develops an enthusiasm for lifelong learning


Flu Vaccination date has been postponed

  Dear parents/carers,

We want to let you know that the flu vaccination date for child is being rescheduled to a later date. This is due to the pressing need for our School Aged Immunisation Service to carry out the COVID- 19 vaccination programme for 12–15-year-olds.

We sincerely apologise for this short notice and any disappointment caused.
We want to assure you that all children and young people with parental consent will be offered the opportunity to get the flu vaccine within the flu season. We will send you a further communication when the new date has been finalised with the school.

Please note you do not need to do anything about the consent forms you have filled out – we will keep these on file for the new session date.

You can still submit a consent form if you haven’t already done so.

Our staff have worked extremely hard to set up the various vaccination programmes this year including, the COVID-19 vaccination programme which has been setup at speed. We want to thank you and your children for your flexibility and patience.

In the meantime, if you or your child have any questions about the vaccine, we’d encourage you to visit the following sites for more information:
For primary school age children, visit: For secondary school age children, visit:

Thank you once again for your understanding and support. Yours sincerely,

Claire Tagg
Service Group Manager – Lead for CYP Covid delivery programme Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
October 2021
