By promoting high standards, inclusion and equal opportunities all of the staff at St Mary’s Fields aim to provide an atmosphere in which all children’s needs are met.

St Mary’s Fields SEND Report complies with:

  • Section 69(2) of the Children and Families Act 2014
  • Regulation 51 and Schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
  • Section 6 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years
  • Paragraph 3 of Schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010

We regularly review the curriculum provision for every child. If a child has special educational needs, we aim to ensure that their needs are met by:

  • Working together with parents, and other professionals to identify a child’s special educational needs early intervention to reduce barriers to learning and participation.
  • Ensuring that children with special educational needs are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including the Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum.
  • Regularly reviewing the progress of children with special educational needs to ensure that their needs are being met.
  • Setting achievable targets to meet the special educational needs of children whose educational programmes need to be different or additional to those set down in the Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum. This includes opportunities to be involved in a variety of interventions run across the school
  • Taking the child’s views into account with regard to their learning goals, wherever ascertainable, in the light of their age and understanding.
  • Encouraging all children (including SEND) to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities with all other pupils both in school time and during after school clubs.

Click below to find out about how children with SEND are supported at St Marys Fields:

SEND Policies

SEND policy.pdf

accessibility-policy-september-2021 (1).pdf

St Mary’s Fields Primary School inclusion provision menu

Useful Links:

SEND – A Guide for Parents and Carers

Local Offer Leicester

School Offer

At St Mary’s Fields Primary School we take care to ensure that all children have an excellent start to their education, no matter when they join the school. We are committed to helping each child make the best possible progress. We use many strategies to support learning and we aim to ensure that our children enjoy and achieve in all areas of their personal, social and academic education.

However, whether in the Foundation Stage or later in the Primary classes, some children find it more difficult to learn and make progress. Children can have needs and difficulties that affect their ability to process their learning. For example, a child with emotional and social difficulties may have problems making friends or a child may have specific difficulties with reading, writing or maths. A child may have a disability such as a hearing or visual impairment. Children who are identified as having significant difficulties in school are categorised as having special educational needs or SEND.

What Kind of SEND does the School cater for?

  • Communication and interaction (such as autistic spectrum condition and speech and language difficulties)
  • Cognition and learning (such as dyslexia, dyslexia and dyspraxia and dyscalculia, moderate learning difficulties and global development delay)
  • Social, emotional and mental health (such as ADHD, ADD, attachment disorders, emotional difficulties, mental health difficulties)
  • Physical and sensory (such as hearing, vision and sensory processing difficulties)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How will St Mary’s Fields know if children need extra help?

Approximately 1 in 5 children nationally are identified as having SEN and a similar number will have a special educational need of some kind during their time at St Mary’s Fields.

Every child’s progress is measured continuously throughout each academic year in English (reading, writing and speaking and listening), maths and science. Whilst there are times when all children’s learning slows or accelerates, we use this information to identify any children who may have difficulties.

The progress of all our children is discussed at pupil progress meetings which are held 3 times each year. Any child who seems to be struggling, whether academically or emotionally, will be discussed and a plan will be put into place. This may be to provide them with some extra support in a particular area (e.g. a reading intervention). If concerns persist, a child’s class or group teacher will talk to parents about progress and will gain further information about the child’s general development. Following this discussion, a decision will be agreed as to how we can support the child more effectively. At this stage they may be listed on the school’s Special Needs register.

2. What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

As a parent, if you have concerns about your child’s progress, you are always welcome to make an appointment to talk to your child’s class teacher or you can speak to our teachers responsible for special educational needs, (SENCo) Ms Jowett (Foundation Stage to Year 3) or Miss Haycock (Year 4-Year 6). Working together and including your child in this process is vital in supporting your child.

3. What will happen if my child is identified as having special educational needs?

If, after discussion and further support, it is felt that your child does have a special educational need then he or she will be placed on the special needs register and will have a Pupil Outcome Plan (POP). Wherever possible, your child will be involved in this decision. The POP will outline just what school and home will do together to help your child to make progress in small steps and help them to gain in confidence.

The POP might also outline interventions and additional support which will be targeted at supporting your child.

4. How will St Mary’s Fields support my child?

In line with the 2014 Code of Practice, at St Mary’s Fields Primary School we have two levels of SEN:

a) SEN Support

Any child who is not making the expected progress over time is placed on the SEN register at SEN Support. You will have already had a meeting with the SENCo and class teacher to discuss this and we will agree on some targets to support your child. We will review these targets together with you and your child 3times each year and agree new ones.

Your child will continue to receive differentiated teaching from their class teacher, and may also be part of targeted interventions run outside the classroom in small groups or maybe have 1 to 1 support with a teaching assistant.

If difficulties persist, we will discuss asking a specialist teacher for advice that could help your child. For a child with a disability e.g. hearing loss, this will involve a specialist observing your child in class and providing the school with clear strategies to help them.

For children who are making slower progress than we would wish, this may include a specialist teacher from the Learning, Communication and Interaction Team (LCI) or the Educational Psychology Service, who will often carry out further assessments with your child. They are trained to make sure your child is comfortable and often the assessment is presented in the form of games. This helps to identify any specific gaps in your child’s learning or helps to identify the best teaching methods to best suit your child’s learning style. Using this advice, targets are modified and agreed and will identify the area which your child needs to work on and how we intend to help them to do this. You will always be asked to give written consent for the school to involve an external agency.

b) Education and Health Care Plan (Statement)

A child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (previously called a ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’) will have more significant difficulties, and will often need a daily timetable that is different from other children for some of the time. Children with very complex needs often have an EHC Plan.

An EHC Plan can only be given by Leicester City Council, and is based on your child’s individual circumstances. Sometimes these children will have an adult assigned to them for some or all of the school day. This adult is trained to help your child achieve their targets. Children with an EHC Plan must have an annual review meeting. Together we will look at progress against last year’s targets and any changes to the child’s needs are discussed. All professionals working with the child will be invited to the annual review. If they cannot attend, it is expected that they will send a report that can be shared at the meeting.

5. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

All children at St Mary’s Fields Primary including those with SEN receive teacher input via excellent classroom teaching also known as Quality First Teaching. Like all children in school, your child will be set targets and progress will be monitored.

6. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Class and group teachers are responsible for planning and delivering the curriculum for all the children they teach. At St Mary’s Fields we group children so that their needs can be finely met and additional support is more readily available.

The teacher’s planning will be differentiated for your child and show quite clearly how they can move through the levels at their own pace.

Your child might need to be in a smaller group, he might need to have additional resources to help him to learn by visual methods or he may need to work at a slower pace with more repetition. Whatever will help your child to learn and make greater progress (in terms of the curriculum) will be provided for him.

7. How will both you and I know how my child is doing?

Your child’s class or group teacher will assess your child’s learning through all the work he does and check that he is making progress.  The teacher and maybe the SENCo will then meet with you 3 times a year to look at this progress and to see whether he is meeting his POP targets.  Together we will decide on new targets.  Sometimes we might need to work on certain targets for a little while longer.  This will be discussed at our termly meetings.

If your child has additional needs, this would mean:

  • That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
  • That all teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and understand.
  • Different ways of teaching are in place so that your child is fully involved in learning in class.  This may involve things like using more practical learning.
  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCo or outside agencies) are in place to support your child to learn.
  • Your child’s teacher will have carefully checked on your child’s progress and will have decided that your child has gaps in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support and intervention to help them to make the best possible progress. This may mean that they are taken out of their class for a short while during the week, as an individual or small group to work on carefully planned targets.
  • Your child’s targets are recorded and reviewed termly.

8. How will St Mary’s Fields help me to support my child’s learning?

Your child will be given homework that can be done at his own level with a little support from parents. If you are unsure about how much to help your child you are most welcome to come and ask the teacher.

The SENCOs often liaise with parents, through phone calls and meetings. They have a good understanding of individual children’s needs and requirements. The SENCOs are available via appointment via the school office for face to face meetings

9. How are school’s resources allocated and matched to SEN children’s needs?

St Mary’s Fields Primary School’s most important resource is its staffing. The children are taught in whole class settings by qualified teachers. Children may be taught in smaller groups which means that teachers can focus more closely on children who have a learning difficulty. Their learning is pitched at the right level and hands-on resources are available for them.

Our teaching assistants are well trained in a range of interventions covering English, maths and emotional needs. They work with children either individually or in small groups to encourage progress. These interventions go on throughout the day and usually last for several weeks.

Children who have more complex or medical needs may have individual support all day to meet their range of targets, often set by external agencies e.g. a speech and language therapist.

10. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

Whilst children identified as having SEND are fully supported where required, it is also important to ensure that we provide your child with basic independent personal, social and learning skills. If your child does have a learning difficulty, he will be monitored continually so that we are familiar with his needs and also the aspects of learning, concentration or managing his emotions that he may have difficulties with during the school day.

Through either whole class, small group or 1-1 provision, these children are provided with strategies to assist them in their area of difficulty. They are also given the opportunity to apply these skills in relevant situations.

We celebrate success by focussing on what the child does well. All targets set for the children are individual and are achievable, giving the SEN children a chance to make success.

At St Mary’s Fields, we take a no-nonsense view to bullying and/or harassment

11. What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by St Mary’s Fields?

St Mary’s Fields can call on excellent advice from a range of external agencies. They give verbal feedback as well as written reports and often arrange to meet parents during the school day. If your child continues to make slower than expected progress we may ask if we can refer your child to an external specialist teacher or the educational psychologist. We will fill in special referral forms and you can describe your feelings about your child’s needs on the form. This form has to have your signature on it before the specialist teachers can visit him in school.

Our external agencies are –

Early Years Support Team: 0-5 years old

Complex Learning, Communication and Interaction Support Team (CLCI Support Team) 5-16 years

Social Emotional and Mental Health Team (SEMH)

Educational Psychologist (EP)

Speech and Language therapy (SALT)

Hearing Support Team

Visual Support Team

Health Visitor/ School nurse/ Single point of contact (Children’s health services)


Occupational therapist


Diana Service/Macmillan Nurses

Family Support workers

12. What training has staff had in supporting children with special educational needs?

All school staff has training on how to support children with more common SEND issues. The St Mary’s Fields primary team also includes some highly trained staff in particular areas. A child’s class and group teacher are responsible for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, despite any special need they may have. However advice and support will be given by the SENCo and specialists from outside agencies.

The SENCo (Special Needs Co-ordinator) provides professional guidance to colleagues and works closely with staff, parents and other agencies. At St Mary’s Fields this role is carried out by two teachers who are experienced in recognising different types of special needs and have knowledge about the possible needs of different SEND children and how they can best be supported with different teaching methods. These teachers are also responsible for meeting with. These teachers are also responsible for meeting with specialists and ensuring a child receives the support they are entitled to. The SENCo’s at St Mary’s Fields are Ms Jowett (Foundation Stage to Year 3) or Miss Haycock (Year 4-Year 6).

Learning Support Assistants / Teaching Assistants –

We have a team of well trained staff who have experience of supporting children with a wide range of needs. At St Mary’s Fields Primary, our team strengths include supporting children with:

Emotional/social difficulties

Reading, Writing or Mathematical difficulties

Difficulties with receptive or expressive language

Physical disabilities, multisensory difficulties, mobility

Complex Needs- Down’s Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Physical and medical needs

Sometimes children with complex needs may require adults to have additional training. We aim to identify any requirements and ensure that the staff is trained in additional areas before working with a child.

13. How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom, including trips?

At St Mary’s Fields we try hard to plan trips and visits which are inclusive for all our children. We are happy to take buggies and wheelchairs to both local and more distant venues on a bus. We always check that the venue has a disabled toilet and take the necessary resources with us.

If in any doubt we will ask for your opinion about the suitability of the journey and take our lead from you as your child’s parent.

We have always taken children with physical disabilities to the swimming pool and ensured that a member of staff is in the water to support them alongside the other children.

If your child struggles to follow instructions when in the street or in an open environment, we will make sure that there is a responsible adult to keep them safe.

14. How accessible is the school environment?

St Mary’s Fields Primary School aims to be inclusive to all pupils.

Buildings and rooms are accessible to children with a physical difficulty via ramps.

We provide an inclusive learning environment for children with a hearing or visual impairment.

Equipment and resources used are accessible to all children regardless of their needs.

Trips and visits are accessible for children with SEND

After school provision is accessible to all children including those with SEND.

15. How will St Mary’s Fields prepare and support my child when they are new to the school?

St Mary’s Fields admits many children during the school year, children of all ages. If your child has a special need we will discuss this at the admission meeting and the new teacher will be fully informed of his needs. It really helps when parents are open to school about their child’s needs, especially older children who have been to school before. We really value advice that parents give us to support their child in school.

Your child will be informally assessed quite quickly by the group or class teacher. If there are any concerns we will contact you for a chat to share our thoughts. We will also arrange for any support or intervention that seems appropriate.

16. How will St Mary’s Fields prepare and support my child to transfer to the next stage of education?

Whether children transfer between classes within the school or move to another school we ensure:

A face to face or phone meeting between the SENCo and the new teacher to communicate the child’s strengths, progress, targets and effective support strategies.

Transfer of all written records.

Where necessary, pre transition arrangements are put into place to support a seamless move.

At St Mary’s Fields Primary school, arrangements are made for supporting pupils in moving to their next phase of education. The school has strong links with feeder secondary schools. During the Summer Term, the SENCos meet with secondary SENCos to discuss the needs of the pupils transferring. Where necessary, extra visits are planned and secondary staff begin making links with transferring pupils.

17. How are parents involved in St Mary’s Fields and how can I be prepared?

We welcome parents into the school in a variety of different contexts.

We have:

  • Weekly Friday assemblies when any parent can come to enjoy a class or celebration assembly
  • ‘Curriculum Matters’ sessions when parents can come into school and learn more about supporting their child at home
  • ‘School Nurse Drop Ins’ where local professionals visit to advise parents on health issues
  • ‘PATCH’ – a group of interested parents who enjoy meeting together to raise funds for charity or for school and organise events in school.

18. Who can I contact for further information regarding SEND issues including how many children are on the register?

For further information please contact the SENCo’ -Miss Haycock who will be happy to answer your questions. Telephone Number 0116 2824623

19. Leicester City LA Local Offer

St Mary’s Fields Primary school is a Maintained school, which is in partnership with Leicester City Local Authority.  You can find further information about the Leicester City offer