
St Mary's FieldsPrimary School

Ensuring that each child reaches their potential and develops an enthusiasm for lifelong learning





We have an Eco-committee which is a group of children from Key Stage 2. 

We are trying to make our school a greener school in environmental terms; for example reducing the amount of electricity we use, or water we waste. We will then run a campaign to improve that area.


So far this year the Eco committee have been continuing to encourage the pupils to recycle equipment such as pens. This has been very successful and we have collected a lot of plastic that would have otherwise ended up in the bin.


We have discussed the idea of a nature/peace garden area that will encourage wildlife and provide a pleasant reflection area for pupils, this will also provide a nice outdoor classroom area.


We are continuing to encourage walking to school by making good use of the WoW Travel Tracker and collecting badges.


Our scheme (now completed),  ofrecycling batteries proved to be a huge success.


We have some litter picking equipment and are hoping to go out in to the local area around the school and have a bit of a tidy up.

We have acheived our Silver Eco Award and recently we have received our Eco Schools Green Flag award!

The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. The School worked up to Green Flag level by achieving Bronze and Silver awards which are self-accredited stepping stones along the way.
