1. How will St Mary’s Fields know if children need extra help?
Approximately 1 in 5 children nationally are identified as having SEN and a similar number will have a special educational need of some kind during their time at St Mary’s Fields.
Every child’s progress is measured continuously throughout each academic year in English (reading, writing and speaking and listening), maths and science. Whilst there are times when all children’s learning slows or accelerates, we use this information to identify any children who may have difficulties.
The progress of all our children is discussed at pupil progress meetings which are held 3 times each year. Any child who seems to be struggling, whether academically or emotionally, will be discussed and a plan will be put into place. This may be to provide them with some extra support in a particular area (e.g. a reading intervention). If concerns persist, a child’s class or group teacher will talk to parents about progress and will gain further information about the child’s general development. Following this discussion, a decision will be agreed as to how we can support the child more effectively. At this stage they may be listed on the school’s Special Needs register.