Welcome To Year Three
We are really looking forward to spending a busy action packed year with your children. In Year 3, your teachers are Miss Forster, Miss Iliffe and Ms Drew and your teaching assistants are Mrs Dhami, Miss Tebbutt and Miss Rowan. Mrs Hurren will continue to teach PSHE with your children and this year the children will be learning Spanish with Mrs Perez.
Please send your children to school in their PE kits on a Tuesday and a Friday. On Tuesdays, we are fortunate enough to have Leicester City Football coaches in school to teach our children in all areas of PE. This year, our teacher is called Shaun. Details about the PE dress expectations can be viewed below in our 'Welcome to Year 3' PowerPoint.
Also please find below, our Year 3 Knowledge Organisers that give you information about our learning this year including key vocabulary and activities.