Welcome to year 2. We have class 2 Cherry Blossom which has Mrs Alba, Mrs Hill, Mrs Burton and Mrs P. We have class 2 Sycamore which has Miss Mee, Mrs Worrad and Miss Duncan.
Our PE days are on Thursday and Friday.
Homework will be sent out every Friday for your children to complete.
Please read with your children daily. Books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Please send your children with their book bag and a water bottle each day.
KO Computing Computer Systems and Networks KO DT Baby Bears Chair KO Geography Where is my school in the UK KO Music West African Call KO RE Christianity Y2-Art-WeavingKO Computing Algorithms and debugging KO DT Pouches KO Music West African Call KO Science- Working Scientifically William Morris KO new Y2 Autumn 2- History KO- The Gunpowder Plot