
St Mary's FieldsPrimary School

Ensuring that each child reaches their potential and develops an enthusiasm for lifelong learning





Governors are volunteers who commit to working alongside the senior leadership team of the school to offer support and challenge. They come with skills and experiences which complement those of the staff in college and bring additional perspectives. They have a strategic, big picture role.


If you are interested in becoming a school governor then please click here. 

Governor Pen Portraits

St Mary's Fields FGB

* Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body, Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority, parent governors are elected by the parent body and staff governors are elected by the staff body of the school.


Governors can be contacted through the school office  by letter, email ( or telephone (0116 2824623).


​If you wish to have a copy of non confidential meeting minutes please contact the Clerk to the Governors via the school email
