Contact Information

St Mary's Fields Academy

21 Compton Road , Leicester, LE3 2DH

Tel : 0116 282 4623


Mrs H Nott – Headteacher

Mr Clark – Deputy Headteacher

Miss Haycock – Assistant Head/SENCo

Mr King – Assistant Head

Mrs Linnell – Business Manager

Mr Dunn – Chair of Governors

You may contact the above through

Please contact Mrs Linnell with any queries either by telephone (01162824623) or by email ( Mrs Linnell will then make sure where needed that queries are forwarded to the relevant person.

Parking for official visitors is via Compton Road which is off Haddenham Road. The school is fully accessible to people with disabilities via ramps.

School Closures

In the unlikely event that out school is closed because of events beyond their control, such as heating failure or structural issues. We’ll report these closures here. You can also listen to Radio Leicester, 104.9FM or Capital FM 105.4FM. These radio stations will be giving regular updates on the impact of the weather and details of closures.

L.E.A.D. Trust registered offices:

St Mary’s Fields Academy joined L.E.A.D. Academy Trust in April 2024.

L.E.A.D. Academy Trust
5a The Ropewalk

Telephone: 0115 822 5440

Company Number: 08296921