

At St Mary’s Fields Primary School, we believe that an effective English Curriculum should develop the children’s love of reading, writing and discussion. Writing is an essential part of the curriculum and is taught through a sequenced approach, which promotes investigation and independence.

Children are inspired to write through exposure to high quality texts, discussions, engagement hooks, real experiences and model writes. Pupils during the planning stages are encouraged to select appropriate vocabulary and language styles, relevant to the purpose of the write. Children are taught a range of spelling strategies that enable them to understand how to use and apply rules in context.

We continue to develop and nurture a culture where children take pride in their writing, write clearly and accurately and are able to adapt their vocabulary, language and style for a range of purposes and across the curriculum. Pupils are taught to re-read, edit and improve their writing before they are given the opportunity to publish, present, perform or display their work in order to create a sense of pride and achievement.

Writing Policy


Skills and Progression map including Long term Plans


Helpful Sites

Below are some useful sites for the children and links to the National Curriculum.

BBC Bitesize

Top Marks

