
St Mary's FieldsPrimary School

Ensuring that each child reaches their potential and develops an enthusiasm for lifelong learning


Latest News

  • Big Euro Send Off

    Thu 13 Jun 2024
  • Spring Parents Evenings

    Thu 07 Mar 2024 The School Office

    07 March 2024


    Dear Parents and Carers

    Parents’ Evening Spring 2024 Online Appointment Booking

    I would like to invite you to attend our Spring Parents’ Evening. I am pleased to be able to offer face-to-face appointments. This is an important opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher and provides you with an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, behaviour, attendance and any pastoral issues. Some SEND pupils have a 20-minute appointment with both the class teacher and the SENCo, as requested by the class teacher. Due to time constraints only some SEND children have been selected to have a longer parent appointment. All other SEND pupils will have a normal 10 minute appointment with the class teacher, where their PLPs will still be shared.



    How long are the appointments?



    Rowan. Hawthorn,


    10 Minutes with the class teacher

    Wednesday 20th March & Thursday 21st March 3.30pm-6.00pm

    The Library

    1CA, 1NB, 2RM, 2MP,

    10 Minutes with the class teacher

    Wednesday 20th March & Thursday 21st March 3.30pm-6.00pm

    The Studio

    3CD, 3RF, 4MG, 4CK, 5SH, 5ST

    10 Minutes with the class teacher

    Wednesday 20th March & Thursday 21st March 3.30pm-6.00pm

    The Hall

    6AW & 6HC

    10 Minutes with the class teacher

    Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th March 3.30pm-6.00pm

    The Hall

    Chestnut Class

    10 Minutes with the class teacher

    Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st March 8:45-13:30 and 3.30pm-6.00pm

    The Library

    Some children on the SEND register

    20 Minutes with Miss Haycock and class teacher

    Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th March 9.00am to 3.00pm

    Please report to the School Office


    The school uses an easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. 


    It is extremely important that parents do not arrive late as this could mean that you miss your appointment, as staff will be on a very tight schedule, in order to be able to meet with all the parents of all the pupils. 


    Appointments can be made until Tuesday 19th March at 12 midday (and Thursday 13th March for the SEND appointments). Please be aware that it is better to book as soon as you can as popular times will get filled quickly.


    Please visit to book your appointments. (A short guide on how to add appointments is included with this letter.) Login with the following information:


    Student’s First Name:                Student’s Surname:                       Students Date of birth: 


    If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office asap who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.


    Yours sincerely



    Mrs Helen Nott - Headteacher




    Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments

    Browse to



    Step 1: Login

    Fill out the details on the page then click the Log In button.

    A confirmation of your appointments will be sent to the email address you provide.


    Step 2: Select Parents' Evening

    Click on the date you wish to book.

    Unable to make all of the dates listed? Click I'm unable to attend.


    Step 3: Select Booking Mode

    Choose Automatic if you'd like the system to suggest the shortest possible appointment schedule based on the times you're available to attend. To pick the times to book with each teacher, choose Manual. Then press Next.

    We recommend choosing the automatic booking mode when browsing on a mobile device.


    Step 4: Select Availability

    Drag the sliders at the top of the screen to indicate the earliest and latest you can attend.


    Step 5: Choose Teachers

    Select the teachers you’d like to book appointments with. A green tick indicates they’re selected. To de-select, click on their name.


    Step 6: Book Appointments (Automatic)

    If you chose the automatic booking mode, you'll see provisional appointments which are held for 2 minutes. To keep them, choose Accept at the bottom left.

    If it wasn’t possible to book every selected teacher during the times you are able to attend, you can either adjust the teachers you wish to meet with and try again, or switch to manual booking mode.


    Step 7: Book Appointments

    Click any of the green cells to make an appointment. Blue cells signify where you already have an appointment. Grey cells are unavailable.

    To change an appointment, delete the original by hovering over the blue box and clicking Delete. Then choose an alternate time.

    You can optionally leave a message for the teacher to say what you’d like to discuss, or raise anything beforehand.

    Once you’re finished booking all appointments, at the top of the page in the alert box, press click here to finish the booking process.


    Step 8: Finished

    All your bookings now appear on the My Bookings page. An email confirmation has been sent and you can also print appointments by pressing Print. Click Subscribe to Calendar to add these and any future bookings to your calendar.

    To change your appointments, click on Amend Bookings.


  • School will be open on Friday 19th January

    Thu 18 Jan 2024

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Thank you for your understanding, patience and support today, we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    We sadly had to close the school at very short notice due to a burst mains water pipe in the school kitchen, which caused extensive flooding. The maintenance teams have worked very hard throughout the day to repair the damage and carry out the big clean up. Due to the damage in the kitchen we will only be able to offer a  limited menu.

    If your child would prefer to bring a packed lunch because of the limited offer then please do so.

    We look forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow

    Kind regards

    Mrs Nott

  • St Mary's Fields Christmas Fair

    Thu 07 Dec 2023

    Christmas Fair Thursday 7th December 3-6pm



    Pre-loved uniform

    Pre-loved Christmas jumpers

    Hot drinks

    Hot food

    Sweet stall



    & much more!

  • Thursday 8th September

    Thu 08 Sep 2022 Mrs Nott

    We are all deeply saddened to learn that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has passed away. 
    She was a much-loved and respected figure around the world, Her Majesty was the longest serving monarch in the country’s history and  has been an inspiration to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth throughout her historic reign. 
    Everyone at St Mary's Fields Primary School offers their sympathies to the Royal Family.


    Over the coming days and weeks, we will speak to the children and ensure that staff are available to support pupils that are affected by the sad news. 

    We will encourage pupils to look back with happy memories of our Jubilee Celebrations.

  • Spring Term Parents' Evenings

    Thu 17 Mar 2022 School Office

    Dear Parents and Carers


    Parents’ Evening Spring 2022 Online Appointment Booking


    You will shortly be getting a letter about Parents Evening booking 


    Parents’ Evening  will be on  Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th April

    If your child is on the SEND register and you have not recently had a meeting with Miss Haycock there will be appointments on Tuesday-Thursday 5th, 6th and 7th  


    When you go on to the booking site it will be clear what dates and times are available to you.


    These are an important evening and your appointment provides you with an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, behaviour, attendance, and any pastoral issues.


    The school uses an easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.  


    The parents’ meetings will take place in school. Meetings for Nursery and Reception will be held in the Library, years 1 & 2 in the Hall, years 3-6 in the studio and the appointments with Miss Haycock will be in a room near the school office. The appointments last 10 minutes (20 minutes for SEND). It is extremely important that parents do not arrive late as this could mean that you miss your appointment as it will be a very tight schedule


    Appointments can be made from Friday 18th March and will close on Monday 4th April at 12 midday. Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact the school office.


    Please visit to book your appointments. A short guide on how to add appointments is  on our website. Login with the following information:


    Student’s First Name:                      

    Student’s Surname:             

    Students Date of birth:        


    If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf

  • Year 4 Trip

    Thu 10 Feb 2022 School Office

    Dear Parents

    Regarding the Year 4, Jorvik (York) trip tomorrow
    We are very much looking forward to our visit to York and the Viking experience at Jorvik.
    This will be a fantastic opportunity for children to experience not just historical learning outside of the classroom; but the historic city of York too, with its famous walls and cobbled streets.

    Please arrive at school at 7:15 am promptly . The hall door will be open and here we will take the register before getting on the coach. The coach will leave at 7:30 so please do not be late. Please also collect your child from the hall when we return at approximately 16:30-17:00

    Please check below for what the children need to bring and make sure that they have a warm coat (and a hat if possible). There is a lot of walking so shoes need to be comfortable for this.

    Please also could you do a home COVID test (lateral flow test) either tonight or in the morning and make sure your child is well and has no symptoms before they leave

    We have heard this week that the gift shop at Jorvik is not open for school trips sadly.

    In order to make the most of our time, the day does start and finish earlier and later than usual. At times the children may be separated into smaller groups and experience the trip in different sequences, however they will remain under constant adult supervision at all times.
    7:30am – coach departs St. Mary’s Fields Primary School
    9:40-10:00am – coach arrives in York
    10:20am – entry into the Jorvik Centre
    12:10pm – lunch

    12:30pm – travel through the iconic Shambles area of York to reach the York Minster and Dean’s Park
    13:20pm – travel back towards the pick-up point along York’s famous walls
    14:00pm – depart for Leicester
    Approx. 16:30 -17:00pm – arrive back at St. Mary’s Fields Primary School

    Children will need to wear their school uniform and bring their own packed lunch for the day (food will be provided for those that qualify for free school dinners, but not for those who would otherwise choose school dinners). Packed lunches will need to be nut-free and not contain any fizzy drinks. Please note that we highly recommend that they bring additional food due to the length of time they will be gone. For this reason it is a good idea that children bring a bag with them to hold their items, but please consider the size of the bag as the Jorvik Centre does not allow any over the size of 38cmx30cm. We ask that children do not bring electronic devices on the trip, as we cannot be held responsible for them, and that they do not bring any more than £10 if they choose to bring any spending money.

    Yours Sincerely

    Mr King & Mr Stanley

  • Public Health Letter to Parents

    Fri 17 Dec 2021 Public Health Leicester

    15 December 2021


    Dear Parents and Carers


    Thank you for continuing to support your children’s education, especially with all the worries of the Covid pandemic. This week we have seen new rules come into place to help us all deal with the Omicron variant.


    The main ways to reducing the risk of Covid, including Omicron, are to wash hands frequently and to wear face coverings in crowded areas. Remember to socially distance if possible and to keep indoor areas well ventilated. This is especially important during the holiday period when families get together.


    If you or your child feels unwell with any of the Covid symptoms, please get a PCR test. If the test is positive you will need to self-isolate for 10 days. If you or your child is a close contact of a positive case and you are fully vaccinated, you will need to take daily lateral flow tests for 7 days. Please remember to report all test results.


    Vaccinations remain our best defence to protect ourselves and our families against Covid. If you have not yet had your vaccinations or your booster vaccination, please do book an appointment. This local NHS webpage gives options for booking your vaccination appointment in Leicester:


    If your child is 12 years old or over and has not yet had their first vaccination, please use the link above to book a vaccination appointment for them. If you know your child had their first vaccination 12 weeks ago you are now able to book their second vaccination. Check the link above for the local centres that offer vaccinations for 12-15year olds. This term many children in secondary schools have had Covid and missed a significant part of the term. Vaccination will reduce the spread and support children’s attendance at school.


    During the Christmas holiday, the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme for children eligible for free school meals will be going ahead with limitations at some venues. Food should still be made available. Please check with your venue.


    We hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable break over the Christmas period.


    Please support your primary or secondary age child to do a lateral flow test before their return to school in the new year. This will help to reduce the risk of anyone coming back to school with Covid without realising it. Secondary pupils will also be offered onsite testing at their school at the beginning of term. Please do give permission for this testing.


    Thank you for all the support you have given to the work to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in Leicester.


    Yours sincerely


    Ivan Browne - Director of Public Health and Sports Services


    Martin Samuels - Strategic Director Social Care and Education

  • Good Bye

    Fri 17 Dec 2021 Mrs Dulieu

    Friday 17th December 2021


    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    I wanted to say again thank you so much for the support that you have shown me over the past 4 years as Headteacher. St Mary’s Fields has developed into an inspiring school for the children and I will miss them all greatly; they have made me promise to come back for a visit soon!


    As I have said previously, I am in no doubt that Mrs Nott and Miss Haycock will continue to lead the school brilliantly and I wish them and the whole school community good luck.


    Family Homework Project prizes

    Congratulations to Filip (yr5), Yuvraj (yr4), Mia (yr3), Dominiks (Yr2) and Sukhpreet (yr1) for winning the family homework project prizes. They have each received a £5 book token for their amazing efforts. I love seeing how creative our families are.



    • Children return to school on Wednesday 5th January
    • If any children develop Covid symptoms and then subsequently test positive, please email the school office so that staff and parents can be informed that they are close contacts
    • School will contact parents if covid guidelines change for schoosl. For example if the school are asked to return to bubbles (hopefully not!)


    Lastly I want to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas. Enjoy time with your family.


    Yours Sincerely


    Rebecca Dulieu


  • Christmas Jumper Day 10th December 2021

    Fri 10 Dec 2021

    Children and Staff can come in their Christmas Jumpers on Friday 10th December and pay £1.00 via Parent Pay.


    Money is raised for PATCH.
