Year Four

Welcome to Year Four!

The Year 4 team this year are Mr King, Mrs Naylor, Mr Hewitt, Mrs Hobell and Mrs Burtonwood.

The children will have Spanish lessons with Mrs Perez and PHSCE with Mrs Hurren.

On this page, you will find key information about our routines, expectations and curriculum. This includes our knowledge organisers. Knowledge organisers outline what the children will be learning across each subject in each term. They include key facts and vocabulary for the children to discuss with you and practise recalling at home. By the end of each unit of learning, they need to be able to explain these facts and vocabulary to others confidently. The knowledge organisers also include suggestions for ways the children could deepen their understanding through research and other tasks at home. We hope you find them useful.

If you need to contact a member of the team to discuss any questions or concerns, we are always available to talk to at the end of the day.

Key information and expectations


Please ensure children come to school in correct P.E. kits.

We will issue homework every Friday. This consists of a spelling activity and a maths activity based on lessons covered during the week. It is due the following Thursday.


Start of the day


8:40am – 8:50am

The children should come into school via the Compton Road entrance.

They should walk straight up to their classroom at this time.

The gates will close promptly at 8:50am. Any children arriving in class after this time will be marked as late.

Break time



The children may bring a healthy snack (such as fruit, carrot sticks, rice cakes, a low-sugar cereal bar) from home to eat at this time.

All snacks must be nut-free.

Lunch time



Children can bring a healthy packed lunch or have a school dinner.
Please ask the office for a copy of the menu
End of the day



The children will be dismissed from the classroom doors.  Please advise us if you need your child walking around to Key Stage One

Parent Presentation



Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers are there to help children learn and remember key facts that are taught throughout each subject. Below you will find our Knowledge Organiser for the Autumn Term. P.E runs throughout the Autumn term but is only listed for Autumn 1.

Knowledge Organisers – Autumn

KO Science – Y4 – AUTUMN 1 – States of Matter KO Y4 – AUTUMN 1 – Spanish – Introducing myself KO Y4 – AUTUMN 1 – PE -Swimming Backstroke KO Y4 – AUTUMN 2 – Science – Electricity KO Y4- Autumn – PSHCE -Being Me & Celebrating Difference KO Y4- Autumn 1- RE- Buddhism Is it possible for everyone to be happy Y4-DT-KO-Adapting-a-recipe KO Y4 AUTUMN 2 Geography – The Water Cycle KO Y4 – AUTUMN – PE -Swimming Breastroke KO Y4 – AUTUMN 1 – Art – Sculture Mosiac and Clay KO Y4 – AUTUMN 2 – Spanish -My Family KO Y4- AUTUMN – PE – Swimming Frontcrawl KO History – Y4 – AUTUMN 1 – Romans invade Britain KO History – Y4- AUTUMN 2 -Anglo Saxons

Knowledge Organisers – Spring

KO ART – Y4 – Spring – Vincent Van Gogh KO PE- Y4 Spring 1 Real PE gym UNIT 1 KO PE- Y4 Spring 1 Real PE UNIT 3 KO PE -Y4 Spring Real PE gym UNIT 2 KO PHSCE Y4 Spring KO RE Y4 Spring 2 Christianity Is forgiveness always possible for Christians KO RE Y4 Spring Islam How important is the prophet Muhammad to Muslims KO Science – Y4- Spring 1 Digestion KO Science – Y4- Spring 2 Sound KO Spanish – Y4 – SPRING 1 – The classroom KO Spanish – Y4 – SPRING 2 – My home KO DT Y4 Spring Mechanical-Sling-Car-WEB KO GEOG – Y4 Geog -Spatial-Sense KO History – Y4 – Spring – The Vikings2 KO PE – Y4 Spring 2 Real PE UNIT 4