
St Mary's FieldsPrimary School

Ensuring that each child reaches their potential and develops an enthusiasm for lifelong learning


10. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

10. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?


Whilst children identified as having SEND are fully supported where required, it is also important to ensure that we provide your child with basic independent personal, social and learning skills.  If your child does have a learning difficulty, he will be monitored continually so that we are familiar with his needs and also the aspects of learning, concentration or managing his emotions that he may have difficulties with during the school day.

Through either whole class, small group or 1-1 provision, these children are provided with strategies to assist them in their area of difficulty.  They are also given the opportunity to apply these skills in relevant situations.

We celebrate success by focussing on what the child does well.  All targets set for the children are individual and are achievable, giving the SEN children a chance to make success.

At St Mary’s Fields, we take a no-nonsense view to bullying and/or harassment
