We would like all children to wear the following school uniform.
The school uniform is as follows:
1. Purchased through either on line at Your School Uniform Yourschooluniform.co.uk or Uniform Direct (shop on Humberstone Gate or online uniform-direct.com)
2. Purchased at most supermarkets (plain – no logos)
In addition, all pupils can come in their PE kits on their allocated day:
Long hair must be tied back for PE. Please ensure that you remove your child’s earrings before they come to school on a PE day. If they are not able to remove the earrings please send your child to school with the earrings taped using surgical tape.
All children have PE twice a week and, where possible, these sessions will take place outdoors. pupils should come to school in their PE kit on their allocated day. The allocated day can be found on the year group page (Our Learning menu)
Please make sure that all items are marked clearly with your child’s name.