School Meals

Free School Meals

Could your child(ren) be eligible for free school meals? Do you receive any of the following?

  • Income support
  • Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • National asylum seeker support
  • Child tax credit (provided you’re not also entitled to working tax credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • The guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Working tax credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit.
  • Universal credit with annual net earned income of less than £7,400

How to apply for free school meals
You should only apply for free school meals if you receive one of the benefits listed above. For universal infant free school meals, speak to your child’s school.

Apply online for free school meals

School Meals

Hot meals are cooked on site by LTS Catering Services. Children choose to have either a red, green or yellow meal (or bring a packed lunch) and these are ordered in the morning at the same time as the register is taken. Meals are provided free of charge to children in Foundation Stage 2, Year 1 and Year 2. From year 3 there is a charge unless your child is eligible for Free School Meals. The cost is £2.55 per day, £12.75 per week and this is to be paid in advance on the first day of the week (usually a Monday). As a cashless school (we do not accept cash or cheques in school) we are asking all parents to only use our e-payment method to pay for dinner money. This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay or in cash at local stores where you see the PayPoint logo. If you need to pay by cash please contact the school office and they will be able to give you a barcode for your child for PayPoint payments.

Online payments are the securest way to ensure your money reaches the schools. Children do not always remember to hand in envelopes so we no longer accept money in this manner. With on-line payments you get a receipt and are able to see what your balance is. Payments can be made using a mobile phone and you can set up reminders to pay dinner money. The same system is used for paying for trips. If you would like to set up an account please contact the school office on 0116 2824623 or by email.

Download LTS Catering information

School Menus

Here you can find our current school meal menu.

School Meal Menus




Click here to go to the LTS website for the latest menus for primary schools.

Catering staff prepare all the meals in the school kitchen and therefore we are able to cater for your child’s dietary requirements, whatever they may be.

There are many reasons why children may need a special diet including coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, problems with their kidneys and other food allergy/intolerances. If your child requires a special diet due to medical reasons, a medical diet form can be obtained from the school office. The form will need to be completed by a medical professional (G.P. dietitian or hospital doctor). Once the school has received the signed form it will be sent to the dietitian at LTS Catering Services. Once the Dietitian has received the form they will liaise with the parent/guardian if necessary to ensure the child receives the appropriate foods. Please allow 10 school working days for the Dietitian to contact the family or to send a menu.

Learn more about NHS Healthy Packed Lunches

Our school milk scheme

Did you know our school has a school milk scheme?
By registering your child for our school milk scheme they will receive a 189ml (third of a pint) carton of semi-skimmed milk every day. This is delivered fresh and chilled to their classroom every day.

“How much does it cost?”
Thanks to government subsidies, school milk is free for all under-fives and is subsided at around £15 a term for children aged five or older.

How do I register my child for the school milk scheme?

Why should I register my child?

School milk provides your child with essential nutrients such as calcium and protein, for strong, healthy teeth and bones. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the long gap between breakfast and lunch so children stay focused.

How do I register my child?

If your child is under five-

  1. Go to or pick up a form from school.
  2. Just register by a Tuesday for your child’s free milk to start the following week.
  3. Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child’s fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request three weeks before this time- if you wish for your child to continue to receive school milk simply make a payment.
​​If your child is over five:
  1. Go to or pick up a form from school.
  2. Pay Cool Milk online, over the phone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque in instalments to suit you.  If registering online you can pay straight away, if using a registration form you will need to wait to receive a payment request.
  3. Just pay by a Tuesday for your child’s milk to start the following week.
  4. To find out more visit or contact Cool Milk directly on 0844 854 2913.