
St Mary's FieldsPrimary School

Ensuring that each child reaches their potential and develops an enthusiasm for lifelong learning


Spring Term Parents' Evenings

Dear Parents and Carers


Parents’ Evening Spring 2022 Online Appointment Booking


You will shortly be getting a letter about Parents Evening booking 


Parents’ Evening  will be on  Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th April

If your child is on the SEND register and you have not recently had a meeting with Miss Haycock there will be appointments on Tuesday-Thursday 5th, 6th and 7th  


When you go on to the booking site it will be clear what dates and times are available to you.


These are an important evening and your appointment provides you with an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, behaviour, attendance, and any pastoral issues.


The school uses an easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.  


The parents’ meetings will take place in school. Meetings for Nursery and Reception will be held in the Library, years 1 & 2 in the Hall, years 3-6 in the studio and the appointments with Miss Haycock will be in a room near the school office. The appointments last 10 minutes (20 minutes for SEND). It is extremely important that parents do not arrive late as this could mean that you miss your appointment as it will be a very tight schedule


Appointments can be made from Friday 18th March and will close on Monday 4th April at 12 midday. Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact the school office.


Please visit to book your appointments. A short guide on how to add appointments is  on our website. Login with the following information:


Student’s First Name:                      

Student’s Surname:             

Students Date of birth:        


If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf
