Monday 4th January 2021
Immediate Closure
Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to start by apologising for the late notice of this letter but as you will be aware, we had been preparing to reopen the school in line with the Prime Minister’s weekend statements that primary schools should open as normal this week. Following the announcement by the Prime Minister this evening that schools should remove to remote learning from tomorrow, this situation has now changed and consequently school will not now reopen as planned tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow, school will remain closed for all children in every year group regardless of status. This will enable us to clarify critical worker/vulnerable pupil status and then use this to ascertain what provision will be offered for these children. We will also use this to set up learning provision for children who will be at home as well as those who will be able to come into school. Had this evening’s announcement come over the weekend, we would obviously have completed this today.
It is my intention to write to you again tomorrow afternoon to clarify who will be able to attend, who will need to stay at home and what provision will look like. We are hoping to get the school reopened (for keyworker/vulnerable children) from Wednesday 6th January onwards but this will be confirmed tomorrow. Remote learning should also hopefully be ready to go live from Wednesday. If it is not possible, we will let you know as soon as possible.
I know that the late notice of tomorrow’s closure will cause great difficulty. I hope you will appreciate that the timescales here have been outside of our control and that we would have given far more notice had we been able to.
We will be working hard now to put in place the very best possible provision for our pupils.
Please ensure you have notified Mrs Linnell if you are a key worker, I attach a link to the government website which shows the list of keyworkers. provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational- provision
Mrs Linnell will also be in touch with the families that receive Free School Meals.
Thank you for your continued support
Yours Sincerely
Rebecca Dulieu