Dear Parents/Carers,
I am writing to you with the results of the most recent parent survey. Thank you to all the parents/carers that completed the survey. For some of the statements I have put the percentage that ticked agree or strongly agree. For some questions I have included the ‘don’t know’ percentage. This shows where the school needs to improve communication with parents. This is particularly true for the statement regarding bullying, 35% of parents/carers were unsure if the school dealt effectively with bullying – below I have explained how the school deals with bullying.
Statement |
Percentage (Agree/strongly agree) |
Actions |
My child feels safe at this school |
98% |
My child makes good progress at this school |
92% 4% of parents don’t know |
Ensure that parents evening letters go out with enough time for parents to arrange time off if working Targets to be given out at parents evening or sent out soon afterwards Ensure there is a Book Look every term (pandemic allowing) for parents/carers to look in books and to also talk informally to class teachers. We hope to have a book look at the end of the summer term. Parent PowerPoints/workshops (pandemic allowing) on expectations for the end of year and how to help your children at home – PowerPoints can be found on the school website year groups pages. There are videos on the school approach to the teaching of writing on the website. |
My child is well looked after by the school |
94% |
My child is taught well at this school |
93% 4% don’t know |
Ensure the school website has up-to-date curriculum information and that there are regular opportunities to come in and see what the children have been learning (pandemic allowing). |
My child receives appropriate homework at this school |
This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved |
89% 7% don’t know |
School council to write to parents after Easter with details of how break and lunchtimes work and how good behaviour is rewarded (lunchtime certificates, house points, character muscle nominations) and how any unacceptable behaviour is dealt with. |
This school deals effectively with bullying |
62% 35% don’t know |
Resend bullying vs bothering letter to parents after the Easter break. It is important to distinguish between the two.
School to communicate how bullying is effectively dealt with. 1.If you feel that your child is being bullied in the first instance please speak to your child’s teacher or ring the school office and report the issue to the office team – this will be passed onto the necessary staff members 2. If you feel nothing has been done, please see your child’s phase leaders FS – Mr McFarland Year1/2 – Mrs Alba Year 3/4 – Mr King Year 5/6 – Mr Khunti 3. If you still feel that nothing has been done contact either Mrs Nott (Deputy Head) or Mrs Dulieu
The school takes any issue of bullying extremely seriously and involve parents at early stages. The school has very few issues around bullying and where they do arise they are dealt with quickly. Senior staff are involved in the early stages of dealing with any accusation of bullying
Include this information regularly on the school newsletter |
This school is well led and managed |
87% 10% don’t know |
Ensure that parents/carers receive information in plenty of time and that newsletters celebrate the work of the school |
The school responds well to any concerns that I raise |
84% 10% don’t know |
Ensure that parents are aware of how to report concerns – 1.If you feel you have concerns in the first instance please speak to your child’s teacher or ring the school office and report the issue to the office team – this will be passed onto the necessary staff members 2. If you feel nothing has been done, please see your child’s phase leaders FS – Mr McFarland Year1/2 – Mrs Alba Year 3/4 – Mr King Year 5/6 – Mr Khunti 3. If you still feel that nothing has been done contact either Mrs Nott (Deputy Head) or Mrs Dulieu
If your concern is in relation to safeguarding – please ring the school office to make an appointment to see the school designated safeguarding leads – Mrs Dulieu, Mrs Nott, Ms Haycock or Mrs Hulait or email the dedicated safeguarding email
I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress |
89% 3% don’t know |
Targets to be given out at parents evening/ sent out afterwards Ensure there is a Book Look every term (pandemic allowing) for parents/carers to look in books and to also talk informally to class teachers Parent PowerPoints/workshops (pandemic allowing) on expectations for the end of year and how to help your children at home – PowerPoints can be found on the school website year groups pages. There are videos on the school approach to the teaching of writing on the website. |
I would recommend this school to another parent |
89% 5 %don’t know |
Newsletters to celebrate success at St Mary’s Ensure school website is up-to-date and easy to use |
I hope that you have found this information useful. If you have any further suggestions for ways the school could improve or any concerns please either speak to the school office or email suggestions via
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Dulieu
Head Teacher