Dear Parents/Carers
The autumn term has been a busy one! I am so pleased that a number of year groups have been on school trips and that after school clubs are back up and running. It has been fantastic to have had so many parents attending class assemblies and celebration assembly on a Friday.
This week we have been lucky enough to have been able to try wheelchair basketball. Year 5 and 6 children had the opportunity to try out the wheelchairs although I am not sure that they had as much fun as the staff!
I am pleased to announce that we have 3 new Governors that have joined the school. Atisha Tailor is our new parent governor. Shabir Ibrahim and Rachel Draper have joined as co-opted governors. Raj Gill-Harrison is continuing as the Chair of Governors. They are all extremely keen to help the school continue on its improvement journey.
Children and staff are continuing to work on the school areas of improvement. Writing has been a focus with the ‘recipe’ approach which I know Mr King wrote to parents about earlier on in the term. At the end of each writing unit, a child is chosen as star writer and this is proudly displayed outside the classroom for all to read. The school are also continuing to develop the wider curriculum and the use of knowledge organisers.
Mrs Dulieu
Monday 6th —Chestnut, Rowan and Hawthorn visit to Holy Apostles Church for the Christmas Tree Festival
Tuesday 7th—Year 4 Carol Concert at Holy Apostles Church @ 6pm
Tuesday 7th—Year 1 and 2 Christmas Concert @ 10am (1CA) and 2pm (1MG)
Wednesday 8th Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 8th—FS1 (Chestnut) Nativity @ 10am and 2pm
Thursday 9th—FS2 Nativity @10am (Hawthorn) and 2pm (Rowan)
Thursday 9th—Patch Christmas Fair 3-5pm
Friday 10th—Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 10th—Year 1 and 2 Christmas Concert @ 10am (2RM) and 2pm (2RF)
Tuesday 14th—Curve theatre trip for FS2 and KS1
Wednesday 15th—Christmas Party day (all year groups)
Thursday 16th KS2 Pantomime trip—Sleeping Beauty
Friday 17th— Last day of term
Year 3, 5 and 6 will be recording a virtual Christmas message for families and this will be sent out in the last week of term.
Dear Parents/Carers
The autumn term has been a busy one! I am so pleased that a number of year groups have been on school trips and that after school clubs are back up and running. It has been fantastic to have had so many parents attending class assemblies and celebration assembly on a Friday.
This week we have been lucky enough to have been able to try wheelchair basketball. Year 5 and 6 children had the opportunity to try out the wheelchairs although I am not sure that they had as much fun as the staff! (see photo )
I am pleased to announce that we have 3 new Governors that have joined the school. Atisha Tailor is our new parent governor. Shabir Ibrahim and Rachel Draper have joined as co-opted governors. Raj Gill-Harrison is continuing as the Chair of Governors. They are all extremely keen to help the school continue on its improvement journey.
Children and staff are continuing to work on the school areas of improvement. Writing has been a focus with the ‘recipe’ approach which I know Mr King wrote to parents about earlier on in the term. At the end of each writing unit, a child is chosen as star writer and this is proudly displayed outside the classroom for all to read. The school are also continuing to develop the wider curriculum and the use of knowledge organisers.
Mrs Dulieu
Monday 6th —Chestnut, Rowan and Hawthorn visit to Holy Apostles Church for the Christmas Tree Festival
Tuesday 7th—Year 4 Carol Concert at Holy Apostles Church @ 6pm
Tuesday 7th—Year 1 and 2 Christmas Concert @ 10am (1CA) and 2pm (1MG)
Wednesday 8th Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 8th—FS1 (Chestnut) Nativity @ 10am and 2pm
Thursday 9th—FS2 Nativity @10am (Hawthorn) and 2pm (Rowan)
Thursday 9th—Patch Christmas Fair 3-5pm
Friday 10th—Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 10th—Year 1 and 2 Christmas Concert @ 10am (2RM) and 2pm (2RF)
Tuesday 14th—Curve theatre trip for FS2 and KS1
Wednesday 15th—Christmas Party day (all year groups)
Thursday 16th KS2 Pantomime trip—Sleeping Beauty
Friday 17th— Last day of term
Year 3, 5 and 6 will be recording a virtual Christmas message for families and this will be sent out in the last week of term.
Children in Need Fundraising
Our fundraising activities in school raised £198.45 (so far) for Children in Need! Children in need will use this money to help fund a variety of charitable causes working tirelessly everyday throughout the country to make the lives of struggling families easier. Thank you to everyone who helped with this fundraising!
So far this term we have been incredibly lucky having low levels of Coronavirus cases. Although, this week we have begun to see a rise in cases. Please continue to be vigilant and follow the Coronavirus guidelines on the school website.
Attendance and Punctuality
Recently there have been a number of children that are arriving late for school. Please ensure that children arrive to school on time. Gates open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am.
The Education Welfare Officer for the school visits every 2 weeks and monitors any child’s attendance that falls below 95%. When children’s attendance falls below this level the school have a duty to inform parents and will write to parents to inform them of their child’s attendance level. The school are here to support you. If you are having any difficulty in getting your child to school, please talk to us as we may be able to help.
At St Mary’s Fields, we know that it is of the utmost importance to have robust systems for protecting children and safeguarding their welfare. If you have a concern, please speak to Mrs Dulieu, Mrs Nott, Miss Haycock or Parmjit Hulait (Family Support Worker) the Designated Leads for Safeguarding. We will treat your concerns seriously in line with our safeguarding policies and procedures.
NSPCC 0808 800 500
Child Line 0800 1111
Social Services 0116 4541004
St Mary’s Fields is part of a Leicestershire domestic violence and abuse initiative called Operation Encompass. During the term our Designated Safeguarding Lead will be informed when any domestic abuse incident has been reported to the police and one of our pupils is in the household. This information will be held confidentially by the school and used only to help us support your child.
If you would like to speak to someone in confidence about domestic abuse or sexual violence, call the United Against Violence and Abuse (UAVA) helpline on 08008020028
School Trips
So far this year, Year 3 have visited Poole’s Cavern and Everard's Meadow, Year 5 had a brilliant trip to the National Space Centre, Year 1 have visited a temple and Year 2 went to the Bosworth Battlefield.